Inter/Desert Dialogue

Please join us for the first virtual roundtable of the Inter/Desert Dialogue series on Wednesday, April 19 from 4-6 pm (AZ MST). The four-part series brings together artists, scholars, writers, activists, land managers, and others to inspire respect for deserts and the people, animals, plants, literature, art, histories, and geologies that make them up.  

Dialogue #1–Desert Attunements considers how humans attune themselves to deserts in the broadest sense, including via sensory engagements, land management practices, attachment to place and ancestral homelands, sound mapping, and other modes of intimate human-environmental interaction. Dialogue leaders include Celina Osuna (ASU), Serena Ferrando and collaborators (ASU), Cam Juárez (Saguaro National Park), and Libby Robin (Australian National University).  

In an effort to generate active engagement, participation in Dialogue #1 will be limited to 25 attendees. To be considered, please email your name, position, affiliation, and a brief statement of interest (100 words or less) to by April 5. Participants will be sent a Zoom link and a small collection of “desert artifacts” to review before the event. 

*Funded by a Seed Grant from Arizona State University’s Institute for Humanities Research with additional support from ASU’s Desert Humanities Initiative, Environmental Humanities Initiative, and College of Integrative Sciences and Arts 

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